Sunday, December 26, 2010

More of Atlanta's White Christmas

Yesterday's snow really was the ultimate Christmas surprise, and (if possible) it made a great day that much better.  As it happened, the snow began coming down with gusto about an hour before people started to arrive at our house, so it provided that perfect romantic holiday backdrop.  There was a dusting of snow on the lawn and trees and just enough big fluffy flakes coming down to make people feel "Christmas-y" as they arrived with their respective contributions to the feast. 
By late last evening, there was a magical silence in the air that comes with snow.  Because of the holiday, there was very little traffic, so even in the street there were only a couple of sets of boot tracks and those of a wandering neighbor dog.


  1. I love your photos..the statues look fantastic in the snow. I think you could have put some warm clothes on the cherubs tho!

  2. Much more than a dusting here, and very Christmassy. Pics will be posted upon our return to the city. I hope you had a very happy holiday!

  3. Lovely as always. But I know you must miss real snow.
