Sunday, October 18, 2009

Korean Mums at Oakland

The Korean mums are in full bloom at Oakland Cemetery now, and really spectacular. Here are a few photos my friend Sara took while strolling around the other day. It's so great to see Oakland coming back into its rightful place as a living thriving place (no pun intended), as the original designers intended over a hundred years ago. Phases one and two of the restoration are almost completely planted. (As always, click on these photos to really appreciate how beautiful these babies are).

Technically these flowers are not chrysanthemums at all, so here's a link to an article that was in that Atlanta Journal Constitution recently that gives much more information than I can. I have both "Ryan's Pink" and "Ryan's Yellow" in the stepchild garden at home, and am planning to install them at the Big House, as well. They are tough as nails, spread fairly quickly, and have no issues that I'm aware of.


  1. Let me announce to you (and the world) how dumb I am. I thought the Korean mums were a version of the Sheffield Pink mums. You are the second person who has made this very clear to me. Thanks! I just love your photos!

  2. I would never have known they were "Korean," either, if Sara and Conne hadn't said so. We are very lucky in Atlanta to have the Georgia Perennial Plant Association (I know both of these women through that group), which is an outstanding source of information.
