Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A White Wednesday

The always beautiful Hydrangea arborescens "Annabelle" in the Stepchild Garden

Swamp Hibiscus "Texas White Star" there any more beautifully formed wild flower?
White Achillea with a blossom of Verbena bonariensis that snuck into the photo
Kousa Dogwood "Wolf Eyes" positively glows in the shade
The White Bridge that crosses the creek in the garden at the Big House in its summer splendor, with lots of cascading white flowers and Crape Myrtle "Natchez" in the background
As usual, click to enlarge if you'd like to see more detail!


  1. Gorgeous Swamp Hibiscus... I've got a red one... Love your hydrangea....

  2. What beautiful hydrangea blooms! So pretty!

  3. All of your whites are really great. I looked for white flowering plants and the businesses don't really want to carry them. I found impatiens but never found a white geranium. It really looks like things are blooming nicely. Great shots.

  4. Don't you think 'Natchez' deserves some sort of award for how frequently it is used and how much it lends to the landscape? It may be overused, but things are popular for a reason. While they are at it, someone needs to hand one out to 'Annabelle' as well.

  5. Natchez and Annabelle are both workhorses in my garden at home, as well as at the Big House. What other plants give such exquisite blooms with almost zero maintenance? I'd love to have more plants that need cleaning up once a year, then just get left alone to do their magic!
