Saturday, May 22, 2010

It's Ba-a-a-a-a-ack!

If you've been reading this blog for any period of time, you'll know that I have a fair number of "exuberant" plants in my garden at home, the type that others might refer to as "invasive."...things like Tetrapanax, Fillopia, Verbena Bonarensis, and my personal favorite, Cleome.  I happen to love them, and since most of these have very distinctive leaves, I simply thin them accordingly when I get too many.

On the Tour last weekend, I even identified them as such, so that the "Native Plant Nazis" wouldn't start yelling at me about not properly educating Tour-goers who also found those plants pretty.  (This yellow sign identifies the Tetrapanax as an exuberant plant, to use with caution....)
I was just telling Patti yesterday that I need to go through and thin out five or six thousand cleome seedlings that are overtaking the perennial bed.  Luckily I didn't get to it yesterday with all the rain.  The cleome is just coming into bloom by the mailbox, and it is, as always, just beautiful!


  1. It really is a beautiful plant. I think we have it as a wild plant in our wild prairies. I am going to look it up.

  2. Oh the Native Plant Nazis are everywhere! I understand your trepidation on that front.

  3. Hi Tim,
    Gosh, I haven't seen Cleomes since my early gardening days...they are simply great, and so interesting, I used to fill in the gaps in the herbaceous borders at Compton Acres with these sometimes! We have to find packets of seeds over here, and that's not easy! The two killer weeds at the moment are ground elder and japanese knotweed. Your gardens are looking great by the way.

  4. Gary, I literally must have 10,000 seeds from cleome in just one bed, and they're incredibly easy to harvest, so if you (or anyone else) ever needs them, give a shout! I'm quite sure nobody from the Southeastern US would want any! They are never in short supply here!

  5. The thing I hate is when these folks make it their place to try the guilt card. I grew up Catholic, so it usually doesn't have much effect, but just the same.....educate, educate, educate and leave the judgement at the gate!

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