Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Back from England

We got home Sunday night from a pretty awesome couple of weeks roaming around the English countryside. It’s good to be home, but going from 70 degrees with no humidity to Atlanta’s heat is taking a little adjusting. The heat in combination with the time change has me moving a little slowly, but I’m plowing through the inevitable piles of laundry and mail that seem to follow such trips.

This was my first experience driving in England, and it was really great fun! Jim from Frogview Cottage encouraged me to get a Satellite Navigation System, which was a lifesaver! I purchased the unit here a couple of weeks before we left, so I had a chance to become comfortable with it. Garmin has the English maps readily available to download, and I found them perfectly accurate. Since Frank has absolutely no sense of direction (and giving him a map to read is like giving him a copy of the Dead Sea Scrolls), I developed a very close relationship with “that Garmin chick” during the trip.

We hit about 30 gardens during our visit (all very different) and drove about 1400 miles, so it will probably be a while before I get through some of the photos to post. It really was the perfect way to celebrate my fiftieth and our 25th anniversary. Photos to come as soon as I can get them sorted.


  1. sounds like heaven...can't wait for the pics ;)

  2. Lol, you can tell I'm *really* behind in reading blogs because I hadn't realized you were gone. But England, oh how I love it. Looking forward to your photos.

  3. LOLOLOL......We named our "machine" Arabella. She had a wonderful accent, but I would get very tired of hearing "make a U turn at the first chance" (from miscounting the roads off the roundabouts).

    Can't wait to see your photos!!!!!

    1400 miles-Oh, My!


  4. It sounds like a wonderful trip. We named our chick a different name this summer but she was such a great help to find our way.

  5. Happy birthday and anniversary. Sounds like a great way to celebrate and a great trip. Your viewing public awaits your posts.
