Wednesday, April 8, 2009

"Cold enough for ya?"

I remember growing up in NH, thinking the question above was the most ridiculous greeting. I always wanted to say, "No, I want to see a freakin' iceberg floating down the street!"

Anyway, one of my favorite little books is "The Curious Gardener's Almanac," and it's usually kicking around my house somewhere. It's not a book intended to be read in one sitting or for long periods of time, but rather a collection of little quotes, sayings, and tidbits that are of interest to gardeners.

Since it is 34 degrees at this moment, and I'm on my way to the garden, I thought I'd share a little nugget I rediscovered last night:

"In days gone by, it was not uncommon in springtime to see a farmer drop his trousers and pants and sit down on the soil. If the soil was not too cold, the farmer knew it was time to sow his crop. If you want to avoid midunderstandings with your neighbors, you are better off trying this old trick with your bare elbow."

Consider this my advice to you brave-hearted gardeners for this morning! (The illustration above was not a mistake. There are some pictures better left for afternoon......)


  1. Sounds like an interesting book! Plus, elbows wouldn't lead to as much soil compression as butts!

  2. There was frost on the pansies this morning....decided to venture a guess it wasn't warm enough yet...
