Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Last Cold Morning?

It's 44 degreees right now (7 AM), and according to the television meteorologists, this is going to be our "last cold morning of the season." I'm not sure how they know that, but The Weather Channel's website is saying the same thing, so who am I to argue?

All I know is that the weather has been absolutely glorious the past couple of days, and the forecast is for mid-to-high 70's and lots of sun for the next ten days (I'm ignoring the 30% chance of showers tomorrow afternoon......)

The top half of the neighbor's tree is still lying in my back yard from last week's storm, but other than that, it looks like smooth sailing for the spring and summer season! Give yourself an Earth Day treat and go visit your favorite garden center this week! When you see that one "I couldn't possibly spend that on a plant......" plant, buy it for yourself!


  1. Hi Tim

    44 F! sounds like a UK summer. Not cold at all.

    Your forecast sounds great.


  2. Hmmmmm, maybe it's time to go get that witch hazel!

  3. A lady at the nursery told me the same thing today and said that tonight would be our last cold night. How do they know this???

  4. Interestingly, one of the TV meteorologists said that traditionally Atlantans say its ok to plant after April 15, including Atlanta Botanical Garden. In his opinion (having done weather in Atlanta for 30 years), April 21 is the magic date!
